Protection Spells

Using magic to protect yourself can be a brilliant idea, and protection spells come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. There are various ways of protecting yourself from witchcraft or removing negative influences from your life.

Protection spellsHow you approach it will depend on the situation. And as I will be repeating on other pages, do not rely on magic alone if you are in danger. If you are ever truly threatened, stalked, or harassed, you should always contact the police before relying on a spell for protection.

To simply get someone out of your life, someone who may just be annoying or bothersome and not any real threat to you, a banishing spell is your most straightforward option. It causes no harm to the other person and simply gives them a magical push away. These are so popular, that I’ve added a second page of more banishing spells and then even more powerful banishing spells.

For something a little more substantial, you can go with binding spells to prevent them from acting against you.

If the problem is more aggressive, and you think someone has cast a negative spell on you, then you would want to take a different approach. You can either try a curse-breaking spell to counter-act any hex or black magic used against you. Or you can reverse the spell and send the negative energy right back to the person who sent it.

protection spells

Now, these are all examples of using protection spells against someone in particular. You can always do more general protection spells even when there is nothing specifically threatening to go on. Or try a Wiccan protection spell.

Or if you prefer to add protection to your home rather than to yourself, try some new home protection spells for a safe living space.

These are good to help keep you safe as well as to clean your environment of incoming negative energy. You can also try a milder cleansing spell or a personal purification spell for that.

Remember that just because a few unfortunate things may have happened to you recently, it doesn’t mean you’ve been cursed or hexed. Bad luck still exists, so don’t go casting spells all over the place just because you stubbed your toe or lost your car keys.

Child Birth Protection Spell

The purpose of this spell is to cleanse a room before childbirth occurs, to keep out any negative or unwanted influences, and to help bring about an easy and speedy delivery. It must be prepared well in advance of the predicted due date. This spell involves making a ritual broom, which will then be used to sweep negative energies out of the birthing room.

Basil Protection Bath RitualBasil protection

Basil is a herb that is famed for its protective properties, and this nine-day basil protection bath ritual can help repair a damaged aura, repel any malevolence directed towards you, and help you form a protective shield around yourself. This ritual should be done after you have had your regular daily bath or shower. Try to avoid wearing synthetic chemicals on your skin during the days in which you are performing the ritual (this includes most lotions and perfumes).

A Freezer Binding Spell

This freezer-binding spell is a simple way to stop someone from causing harm to you or interfering with your life. It doesn’t cause them any harm – however, it does attempt to manipulate their actions, so before performing this spell, think hard about the role of karma in magic (or the threefold law). Listen to your intuition, and decide for yourself if you are comfortable performing this spell, and whether the situation cannot be resolved any other way.

Invisibility Spell

This spell will help you go unnoticed when you need it. While you will not become physically invisible, it will cast an aura over you that will make it more difficult for others to notice you.  The spell will however not work if you do things that draw attention to yourself, so after performing the spell and going about your business with your aura of invisibility, make sure that your movements are calm and that you are as silent as possible.

Evil Eye Protection Spell

Evil eye protection spellsThis spell will help for protection against the “evil eye”.  The evil eye is said to be a negative force that causes harm. Sometimes the evil eye is given unconsciously by others – perhaps from feelings of envy, jealousy, or resentment that they feel towards you. Other times, it is directed at you intentionally. Whatever the source is, this spell will protect the evil eye.

Before performing the evil eye spell, know that it is not helpful to focus too much on dark forces or negative energies harming you. While it is good for every witch to practice daily protection techniques (this could be as simple as visualizing white light or carrying a protective crystal or orgonite), it is important to not “feed” the negative energies with your attention. If you pay too much attention to them, especially with thoughts that are tinged with fear, anger, hatred, or other strong emotions, it provides a “hook” that they can latch onto. So, perform your protective rituals and go about your life, cultivating as many good emotions as you can every day, and resting in the knowledge that you are safe and protected.

Voodoo Business Protection SpellBusiness protection spells

This very simple spell for protecting your business is from the Deep South and the Heart of New Orleans Voodoo. It keeps your enemies from stealing your ideas or customers. If you are a freelancer you can carry this as a charm or you can set it on your computer.

Pecans symbolize great wealth and are often used in money and wealth spells in different cultures.   The reason that you use nine pecans in this ritual is that nine is the number of achievements and completions.

When to Use Business Protection Spells

Before you open your business to the public, use this business protection spell to ensure that you will enjoy all the success and prosperity that you deserve. If you have already opened your business to the public, you can cast it even after you have been in business for many years.

Use the business protection spell if you want to be a successful business person, and want prosperity and financial success for you and your family. Use this spell to ensure that you get respect in the business world that only comes from running a successful business. Your family and those around you will benefit from your use of this spell, as they all benefit from your prosperity and respect.

Health Protection Spell

This healing spell is a blessing and gives the body more connection with the spirit.  The pine incense is a purifying element and so is the salt.

The water carries psychic energy in the flow from the mind to the body.

The sandalwood incense in this spell is also protective against evil spirits and negative energy sent to you by other people.

Spell to Protect an Object

The metaphysical business of protecting an object does depend a great deal on your ability to visualize energy and positive results.  Protection rituals mostly involve tracing the shape of the five-pointed pentagrams over it to protect it from loss.

A pentagram is a form of a protective circle.  It also puts a cloak of secrecy over all actions to do with the object;  only you will be privy to where it is or what it is used for.  Others will simply forget about it.

Spell to Protect a Loved One

For the Spell to protect loved ones, you need to imagine them surrounded by a radiant white light.  This light has a seal through which no bad energy or evil influence can permeate.

For this, you will need a photo of your loved one looking peaceful or happy.  A colour photo is best because it gives the spirits more detail about the individual to be protected.  Black and white photography is associated with death.  It is also best if the photo is in a frame, preferably silver as silver summons protective spirits.

Basil is an incense that is known for its protective qualities.

Home Protection SpellHome protection spells

The home protection spell is used as a shield of protection from animals, demons, human beings, spirits, or anything that could harm you. It works for the house and the apartments and protects the living space from negative energy, evil and spiritual matter. When you are staying in your apartment or house, various maladies can befall it. There are times, when anyone’s house can be broken into or when something can catch fire. This spell protects from break-ins, natural disasters, floods, fire, and other misfortunes and offers a blanket of protection from such and similar misfortunes. When using this home protection spell one can sit down and rest knowing that now there is nothing to be worried about.

Car Spell for Protection

The dragon is an ancient mythical animal that is a symbol of protection.  The dragon, which breathes fire and smoke just like vehicles do, is an apt symbol for protection during travel.

Use the car spell to protect your car or boat from all kinds of harm. Using this spell will mean that you do not have to worry about anything bad or harmful happening when you use either of these vehicles, leaving you free to enjoy them.

If you use the car spell on a vehicle that you already own, it will still give you the same protection as for a new vehicle. The protective shield that the power magic can provide will last for as long as you own the car or boat.

This spell also uses the power of visualization to complete its goal.

Revenge Spells

Revenge is a dangerous thing.  Even the desire for revenge, if it becomes too great to control, can cause irreparable harm to you or those you love.  Still, let’s face it, there is something infinitely satisfying about watching someone who has harmed you or your loved ones get what (you think) they deserve.  This satisfaction is even greater when you know that you are the cause of your enemy’s well-deserved suffering.  Black magic is dangerous and powerful magic that can enable you to control or harm others.  The effects of a revenge spell can go far beyond anything that you may have imagined or foreseen, and for this reason, such spells are very dangerous and should be used with caution.

Black magic revenge spells work by bending another person’s will to your own.  Even if you use this spell with good intentions, you may still unintentionally harm others.  Use this spell only if you have exhausted all other possibilities, and only if you are sure that revenge is what you truly want.  Always keep in mind that black magic is not something that you can control, and once you have unleashed it, you or those you love may be forced to suffer unpleasant consequences that you did not expect.  If you are willing to take this risk, and your need for revenge outweighs the possible ill consequences of using black magic, then you can use this revenge spell to get revenge on someone who has harmed you or those you love.

Pregnancy Protection Spell

If you are pregnant and do not want to lose a child your first step is to make sure that you are medically healthy.

Keep all of your appointments and do not do any activities that may threaten the well-being of the child.

There is no force more protective than a mother’s natural love for a child.  This spell is symbolic of the protection and love you feel for the child.

Use a crocheted square of fabric made out of yarn you are not allergic to. It may be pink for a girl, blue for a boy, yellow for neither, or white.

Home Blessings

This home blessing takes its cue from rituals used by the Indigenous people of North America.

Choose the night of a full moon to do this house blessing.  It is best done at 4:00 in the afternoon your time wherever you are in the world.  This is because this is an hour that equates to matters that have to do with your home.

This blessing also requires that you buy a bundle of sweet grass or a sage of sweetgrass and sage at a metaphysical supply store. If this is not possible you can bundle sage together and burn it on a small dish and carry it around with you or you can simply use sage incense.